Galvanized Material Pipe classical rolling horse feeding bowl
Alternative D would result in three stables at existing stable locations and the development of two new stable locations with a maximum capacity of 88 equestrian stalls. Tennessee Valley, Golden Gate Dairy, and Rodeo Valley stables would remain as equestrian sites, with a reduction in the number of horses at Golden Gate Dairy. New stables would be developed at Lower Redwood Creek and Marincello Road sites. The total number of stabled horse sites at each location is provided in Table 2-10. Alternative D would include the components common to all alternatives, as described above in section 2.3.2, with changes specific to this alternative as described below. The following paragraphs provide narrative descriptions of the critical site modifications proposed as part of Alternative D as well as the reasoning behind the proposed changes. Table 2-10 summarizes the Alternative D changes to each facility beyond those changes that are common to all alternatives. Figures 2-18 through 2-23 display conceptually how the existing sites would be modified under Alternative D. The opportunities for public benefit under Alternative D would be increased from four sites to five sites. The number of horses would increase from 76 to 88 so that overall horse numbers would increase by 16 percent. This alternative would improve, enhance and expand the existing facilities at Tennessee Valley and Rodeo Valley and provide new equestrian facilities at Marincello and Lower Redwood Creek. The Lower Redwood Creek site could be operated in cooperation with the adjacent California State Park lands in an agreement between NPS and State Parks, for example, to share the use and maintenance of the State Park’s large arena. At Golden Gate Dairy, the site would be improved and limited to facilities for four stabled horses and Dias Ridge Trailhead amenities and uses, which would remain outside the stream buffer. Additional horses could use the public tie-ups for short term day use. The number of horses accommodated at Tennessee Valley would remain at 42 horses in stalls. The number of horses stabled at Rodeo Valley would increase from 19 to 24 (not including horse hotel numbers). Similar to the Option B2 and Alternative C and for the protection of water quality, Alternative D would move Park Horse Patrol operations out of Lower Tennessee Valley but under Alternative D new facilities would be constructed at Marincello to serve as the new location for the GGNRA Park Horse Patrol program. The opportunities for public benefit would be reduced at Golden Gate Dairy from 11 horses to four horses; however, a new stables facility would be developed nearby at the Lower Redwood Creek site that would accommodate up to 12 total horses in stalls. Development would occur within the existing developed area and at the north boundary of the site. At Golden Gate Dairy the historic structures; barn, and others, could be used for NPS or Park Partner purposes. The historic residence could be renovated to be used as a residence.
The product details :
1. Length | 3000mm, 3600mm, 3800mm, 4000mm |
2. Height | 1800mm, 2200mm, 2400mm |
3. Standing Post | OD115mm |
4. Frame and middle brack | SHS 50x50mm |
5. surface treatment | Hot-dipped galvanized/ (black, green, red etc) powder coatding |
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