Strong steel cattle horse sheep livestock yard gates yard panels for sale
The Lower Redwood Creek stable site is situated in proximity to Redwood Creek which is a perennial stream. Golden Gate Dairy and Rodeo Valley stable sites are directly adjacent to or include intermittent streams and wetlands. The Tennessee and Lower Tennessee Valley stable sites are adjacent to riparian intermittent streams The proposed Marincello site is not in close proximity (e.g. within 300 feet) to a riparian area or wetland.
Riparian, or streamside, forests and shrublands are dominated by broad-leaved deciduous trees or shrubs, most commonly willows (Salix lasiolepis or S. lucida ssp. lasiandra) and occasionally red alder (Alnus rubra) (GGNRA 2005). The understory is typically dense, with a variety of shrubs including native salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), thimbleberry (R. parviflorus), and California blackberry (R. ursinus), as well as non-native Himalayan blackberry (R. discolor) and Cape-ivy (Delairea odorata). Numerous herbaceous species including ferns, rushes, and sedges dominate the shrub understory. Non-native trees including eucalypts (Eucalyptus spp.) and Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) have become successfully established within riparian forest strands in the Park.
Herbaceous wetlands are known as emergent wetlands in the Cowardin wetlands classification (Cowardin et al. 1979). They consist of a mix of low-growing species of sedges (Carex spp.), rushes (Juncus spp.), and other wetland-dependent species (e.g., Scirpus microcarpus, Typha spp. Cyperus eragrostis, Equisetum spp.), as well as some non-native species of grasses (especially velvet grass [Holcus lanatus] and Harding grass [Phalaris aquatica]) and forbs including Cape-ivy (Delaria odorata) and Vinca (Vinca major and V. minor) (GGNRA 2005). Wetlands within the Plan area occur along the shores of lagoons and ponds, as herbaceous strips of vegetation along perennial and ephemeral stream courses, and as isolated patches in depressions or where seeps spring from the hill slopes (GGNRA 2005). The two largest wetland complexes adjacent to and downstream of the Plan area are Big Lagoon in the Redwood Creek watershed, and Rodeo Lagoon in the Rodeo watershed.
Big Lagoon is an approximately 2.2 acre marsh complex, at the confluence of Redwood Creek and Green Gulch (Fong et al. 2010). The Golden Gate Dairy site is just upstream of Big Lagoon, on Redwood Creek. Barring uncharacteristic hydrologic events, Big Lagoon is connected to the Pacific Ocean during winter and spring months and closed during the remainder of the year. Historically, Big Lagoon was a 30-acre wetland complex consisting of a freshwater lagoon, seasonal wetlands, dunes, and an intermittently tidal lagoon (Fong et al. 2010). This historic habitat was degraded through channelization, levee construction, filling, dune removal, and accelerated sedimentation (Fong et al. 2010). Currently, the historic wetland is overlain by the Muir Beach Parking Lot, picnic facilities, and an abandoned horse pasture. This pasture is flooded during the winter and spring by runoff from Green Gulch Creek. Extensive emergent vegetation dominated mainly by cattails is present. Small areas of open water bordered by emergent vegetation are found along drainage ditches.
The product details :
Name | Strong steel cattle horse sheep livestock yard gates yard panels for sale |
Front Type | Swing, Sliding, Fancy, European, or customized |
Size |
Length: 8ft, 10ft, 12ft, 14ft (2.5m - 4.0m) Height: 1.5m, 2.0m, 2.2m. Or, any other sizes you like |
Material |
Frame tube 50*50mm RHS, and 102/114mm Round Post in middle door heavery duty U channel to take T&G boards Top grill tube in OD25mm round tube |
Finish | Powder Coated Finish or Hot Dip Galvanized Finish |
Infill wood |
in bamboo wood, 20mm, 25mm, 28mm, 32mm, 38mm. very strong, durable click, no cracking by water |
Fittings |
(a.) brass lock latch (b.) heavy duty stainless steel hinge, no rusting warranty. (c.) golden top ball or flat cap by your choice. (d.) swivel feeder system (optional) (e.) swing feeder window (optional) |
Advantage |
(1.) Full welds will make sure the stalls are strong and durable. (2.) No sharp edges promise the people and horse safe. (3.) Yoke door allows horses place his head outside. (4.) Powder Coated Finish: We can PC any color you like. Say, Black Color, Blue Color, Hunter Green color, etc. (5.) Assembly easily: use heavy duty bolts or different way connector to connect together. (6.) More style stable are available, sliding front, and swing door, open door etc... |
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