Famous Equestrian Equine Horse Best Quality Stable Stall Doors Products System
In October 2009, over 20 park staff representing all divisions participated in an internal alternatives development workshop from which three action alternative concepts for equestrian facility improvements were drafted, including: 1) Alternative B - Enhanced Existing: four sites with facility and operational improvements (Golden Gate Dairy, Tennessee Valley, Lower Tennessee Valley and Rodeo Valley stables); 2) Alternative C - Consolidated: reduces to two stables sites by expanding and improving Tennessee Valley and Rodeo Valley sites and by removing stables operations from Golden Gate Dairy and Lower Tennessee Valley, or 3) Alternative D - Dispersed and Expanded: expands the number of stables and horses; it includes five sites, adding two new stable locations and by reducing stables in some locations. All of these concepts were believed to provide natural and cultural resource protection while accommodating a range of visitors. The options were differentiated by the number of stables sites, number of horses, and approach to facility location. Through the fall and winter of 2009- 2010, these concepts were refined, and then reviewed and approved for scoping. As described in Common to All section 2.3.2, all of the action alternatives share a common approach to improved best management practices and enhanced public outreach and programs which is also outlined in Chapter 1, section 1.1.1 introduction; ―Future Leasing Program‖. As part of the preliminary planning effort, NPS collected supplemental data about Park natural and cultural resources that could be affected by actions under the proposed alternatives. In 2006 and again in February 2010, public scoping, open houses, and solicitation of public comments (see Chapter 5) provided valuable input to the alternatives. The NPS natural resource analyses involved the use of new and existing studies and surveys. These resources included soils, hydrology (streams, wetlands, and water quality), wildlife, threatened and endangered species, and other studies particular to areas potentially affected by the Marin Equestrian Stables Plan. To address protection of cultural resources, the NPS utilized existing studies such as historic structures reports and then prepared a ―Determination of Eligibility‖ for the four prior ranch sites – Lower Redwood Creek, Golden Gate Dairy, Tennessee Valley and Lower Tennessee Valley. The descriptions of these analyses of these historic sites are included in Chapter 4. NPS staff identified potential uses of historic structures and buildings within each equestrian site that would meet equestrian program needs and fit in with the project objectives identified earlier in the process. Criteria used to evaluate structures included size, layout and potential for rehabilitation. All action alternatives incorporate measures to protect and maintain the historic features of the sites and to improve cultural resources stewardship.
The product detalis :
1.Fully hot dip galvanized finish or powder coated surface. |
2.A full range of design and style options. |
3.Swing window & swivel feeder are optional as accessories. |
4.Wood, wire mesh, round pipe are optional as infill material. |
5.Auto- lock and sliding systems give you a good experience. |
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