Overhead bracing 3.6metre Adjustable portable cattle loading ramp design
Cattle loading ramps are quality, heavy duty, fully welded construction. All our cattle loading ramps are made from heavy galvanized steel.When you purchase our cattle loading ramp you have our assurance that it will last and withstand the harshest treatment .Our cattle loading ramps are designed and built to maximise cattle flow efficiency, safety, and ease of use.
Common Type
1 . Portable Loading Ramps
3.6/4.8m Fixed Height Loading Ramp
Ramps are 3.6/4.8 meters in length and rises easily to 1.2 meters making the gradient easy for cattle and operator .
800mm wide which allows the largest cattle to move up or down easily.
A non-slip steel grating walkway along the full length of the one side with safety hand & knee rails &100mm kick rail for protection
The farms is constructed from 60*60mm RHS braced over the top to prevent any spreading at the front.
All material is galvanized for long life.
2 . Mobile Loading Ramps
3.6 meters in length 1.2 meters high making the gradient easy for the cattle and operator.
800mm wide which allows the largest cattle to move up or down easily.
1.5mm pressed grip floor the farm is constructed from 60*60 RHS braced over the top prevent any spreading at the front.
The pull is at the bottom and is easily removed when loading .
A stabilizing frame drops at the front for stability when loading.
All material is galvanized for long life.
3 . Delucxe Permanent Cattle Loading Ramps
2.6.2m heavy-duty cattle loading ramp
Ramps are 3.6 meters in length ,with the option of a 2.6 meters flat plat-fore extension,height 1.2 meters marking the gradient easy for cattle and operator.
Sheeted both sides to direct cattle to walk straight up or down and not damage their feet or legs.
800mm wide which allows the largest cattle to move up or down easily.
The 2.6 metre flat platform extension allows cattle to easily enter or exit the truck with stable footing.A 0.8 truckie safety gate is located at the top to allow the truck to easily access the truck to open or shut gates.A non-slip steel grating walkway along the full length of one side with safety hand and rails for protection .
This is strong with two sliding gate on the top and bottom .
The frame is constructed from 60*60 RHS braced over the top to prevent any spreading at the front.
Different specifications are available according to customers' special inquiry or detailed drawings.
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